Boundless, CME for OhioRISE, your connection to care coordination.

What is OhioRISE?
Boundless is a care management entity (CME) for OhioRISE (Resilience through Integrated Systems and Excellence) — a specialized Medicaid managed care program for children and youth with complex behavioral health (mental health/substance use disorder) and multi-system needs. Aetna Better Health of Ohio (Aetna) is the managed care partner for the program.

What is OhioRISE care coordination?
OhioRISE care coordination connects your loved one to local services and supports through a coordinated network in the community. This helps empower the client to reach their full potential at home, in school, in the community, and throughout life. Children and caregiver teams meet regularly to assist with tailored care planning that focuses on your loved one’s unique strengths and resources, including beliefs, cultural considerations, community and natural supports, and their voice and choice.

What else does OhioRISE offer?
In addition to all of the mental health and substance use disorder services currently covered by Ohio Medicaid, new and enhanced services under the OhioRISE plan include:
- Intensive and Moderate Care Coordination (ICC/MCC)
- Intensive Home-Based Treatment (IHBT)
- Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF)
- Mobile Response and Stabilization Service (MRSS) – Also covered by MCOs and FFS Medicaid
- Behavioral Health Respite
- Primary Flex Funds
- 1915c Waiver
- Multi-Systematic Therapy (MST) or Functional Family
Is care coordination right for my loved one?
Children and young people with multiple behavioral health challenges, multi-system needs, or who are at risk for out-of-home placement may benefit from OhioRise care coordination.
OhioRISE care coordination is available to kids and young people up to age twenty, who are eligible for Ohio Medicaid. Call 740-276-5500 to learn more.